How much is the cost when renting a apartment and what is included in?

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 This is the money that is deposited with the owner in case there is any problem with the tenant, such as late payment or damage to the room.
Generally, deposit should be refunded to the tenant when the contract is expired. However, if there was any problem during the lease, such as
late payment or damage to the room, deposit should be refunded after deduction.
In addition, most cases, the tenant has the responsibility to return the room as the same state as when is was rented. That is, tenant should
cover cleaning fee after moving out. If the cleaning fee is not included in the initial cost when contracting, ususally, it will automatically
be deducted from deposit.
To put it simple, deposit should always be returned but usually after some deduction.

Deposit in the Greater Tokyo Area is usaully by 1 to 2 month’s rent and should be paid when contracting.
To reduce the reduction to deposit, the following instructions are suggested.

・Please clean the room regularly.
・Please do not use screws, nails, studs, or any other items that could damage the wall.
・Please be careful not to damage the walls and the floors.
・Please clean the kitchen every time after using.
・Please do not smoke in the room.

If there is dirt or damage due to other tenant problems, the repair cost will be borne by the tenant in principle, so be careful.

Key Money

「礼金」(reikin,”key money”)is a payment to the landlord which is considered a gift to the landllord and is not returned when moving out.
Please be aware that different regions have their own regulation to key money and might have different names to it.
In some cases, landlord might offer key money free properties as well.

Approximate cost of renting a room

●Rent \45,000 / Assuming both deposit and key money are 1 month’s rent
Regular ContractWhen Using 「momozero」
\45,000Key Money\0
\49,500Broker Fee\0
\15,000Fire Insurance Fee\0
\22,500Initial Guarantee Fee\0
\16,500Lock Exchange Fee\0
Instant save of approximately \200,000 for just using 「momozero」!!

※The above form is for reference only. The reduce amount does not apply to all properties.。